Prompted by a thread on the IETF's JSON WG mailing list, I find myself wondering (again) why the current JSON landscape does not have an established schema language, and what it would take to change that. There is a long-expired...
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Extensibility is key to creating APIs that not only work initially, but that also can evolve in terms of being appropriated for different contexts, and/or evolving over time. Extensibility is not the only pattern that robust and evolvable APIs should...
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The Global Positioning System (GPS) has revolutionized many things, and has become an integral part of many mobile computing scenarios. Also, it has become essential for many outdoor and sports enthusiast, or simply fitness-interested people, by using GPS-enabled wearables (such...
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A little while ago (almost three years), Mark Nottingham wrote his excellent article JSON or XML? Just Decide, and it seems that it's time to update that a little. But it also is a good opportunity to put it in...
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