With the iWatch hype reaching all-time highs, it seems clear that the landscape of wearables will change quite dramatically over the next year or so. But as usual, it's much harder to predict how things will change, instead of just...
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Data Science is a subject that is mentioned a lot, and many people are saying that they're doing it. but the term often seems to take on different meanings, and depending on who's referring to it, it may mean surprisingly...
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now that The profile Link Relation Type has been published as RFC 6906 (and is properly registered in IANA's link relation registry), this is a good moment to explain what profiles can be used for, how they should be used...
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is location a web concept (yet)? not really so far, even though of course there are many location-based services (LBS) out there. but many are trapped in specific services such as google maps or foursquare, often for business reasons, sometimes...
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one of the interesting and essential things about REST is that while identity and interaction are based on the same concept (the URI), they are not the same (this is what hypermedia is all about). you can have identity and...
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Call for Chapters Chapter abstracts due: October 12th, 2012 Book site: http://ws-rest.org/book/2/ Editors: Cesare Pautasso, University of Lugano, Switzerland Erik Wilde, EMC Corporation Rosa Alarcon, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile Publisher: Springer Introduction REST has gained popularity not only as...
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the W3C announced yesterday that the Linked Data Platform (LDP) Working Group has been officially launched. in case you're interested, the proposed charter is a great starting point to learn more. i am happy and proud to be listed as...
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there has been a rather long history of people trying to describe REST applications, and an equally long history of responses saying that it cannot be done, should not be done, and that REST is allow about following your nose...
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anybody doing non-trivial things with REST sooner or later runs into interactions beyond the simple CRUD (create/read/update/delete) operations. there often are cases where operations might be tied to a specific resource (or mainly to that resource), and then the question...
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or the alternative title for this could have been The Killer App for Linked Data. more about the killer app in a minute, first about the not-killer-app, the hope that linked data will converge on a small set on vocabularies,...
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