RFC 6906 defining "The 'profile' Link Relation Type" has been published a little while ago and I discussed it briefly when it was published. It has been picked up in a variety of places, and seeing where it is being...
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media types are one of the foundations of web architecture: media types allow clients to understand the rules of engagement, so that interpretation of state, as well as subsequent interactions, can be driven by that shared understanding. ideally, new services...
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now that The profile Link Relation Type has been published as RFC 6906 (and is properly registered in IANA's link relation registry), this is a good moment to explain what profiles can be used for, how they should be used...
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is location a web concept (yet)? not really so far, even though of course there are many location-based services (LBS) out there. but many are trapped in specific services such as google maps or foursquare, often for business reasons, sometimes...
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the W3C announced yesterday that the Linked Data Platform (LDP) Working Group has been officially launched. in case you're interested, the proposed charter is a great starting point to learn more. i am happy and proud to be listed as...
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the Atom Publishing Protocol (AtomPub) predates HTTP PATCH, and therefore there is no way how it could explicitly allow updates to be made via HTTP PATCH instead of PUT. but instead of allowing any update method, both the edit and...
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there has been a rather long history of people trying to describe REST applications, and an equally long history of responses saying that it cannot be done, should not be done, and that REST is allow about following your nose...
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one of the not-so-well-known features of HTML is the ability to specify a profile attribute for a web page. it goes right in the head element like this:
media types are an important part of web architecture, and they even have (some) structure; the very obvious type/subtype syntax, and the maybe not as obvious "+" convention in types such as application/atom+xml. however, while that allows you to expose...
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Second International Workshop on the Web of Things (WoT 2011) In conjunction with the Ninth International Conference on Pervasive Computing (Pervasive 2011), San Francisco, California Web site: http://www.webofthings.com/wot/2011/ Paper submission deadline: February 4, 2011 Notification of acceptance: March 11, 2011...
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