there has been a rather long history of people trying to describe REST
applications, and an equally long history of responses saying that it cannot be done, should not be done, and that REST is allow about following your nose
across a web of interlinked resources. many approaches have used some kind of RDF-based model, and have either tried to model/describe an application in terms of SemWeb principles, or in some cases the standards (such as HTTP) themselves. however, so far there seems to be no consensus on whether it could/should be done, and given the fact that we expect RESTful
APIs to become more popular, it would be good if the REST community could provide some guidance on how those APIs should be described/documented.
in an attempt to better understand what and why people are trying to accomplish when they try to describe REST
, here is a first approach to more cleanly layer the issues, see what's already around, and try to figure out what value could provided by some format/technology for each layer. we are actively working in this area because we simply need something that will allow service providers to describe (and by that we mostly mean document) their services. our platform allow customers to define and expose REST services, and when they do this and want to point, for example, external partners at these services asking them to develop clients, instructing them to tell your external partners to follow their nose
just doesn't quite cut it.
in this first attempt at a layering model, there are five layers:
- architectural style: this is where REST itself is defined, independent of any technology. this is where the architectural principles of the style are defined, and fielding' thesis by definition is the one and only authoritative source in this layer.
- technology framework: on top of REST's principles, web architecture encompasses a set of enabling mechanisms, most importantly URI for identification, HTTP for interaction, and media types for labeling representations (and it is interesting to notice that the core technologies on this layer are all defined by IETF instead of the W3C). while this layer is essential for the fabric of the web, in itself it does not yet define a working system, because it lacks concrete representations that can be used as transfer formats.
- core technologies: for the human web, HTML is the most important media type (but without more media types such as images, the web never have succeeded), and for machines XML and RDF have become important enabling technologies. it is important to notice that all of these media type are application-agnostic and not application-specific formats. clients need to support those media types to work properly, but without additional guidance (provided by human operators or additional information), they don't know what they are doing and blindly interact with a set of semantically shallow resources. core technologies allow clients to work in a RESTful way, but they may not allow servers to expose the richness of the services they are providing.
- added semantics: (almost) all of the web's core technologies have some mechanism to add semantics. sometimes these mechanisms have formalized representations (such as XML's DTDs or XSD), sometimes not (HTML profiles are not described in any standardized way). some added semantics are metamodels (XML schema languages allow authors to define their own schemas), some are fixed models (podcasts define a fixed set of extensions that can be found in feeds). most importantly, the core technologies provide ways how these added semantics can be signaled to clients, for XML through namespaces and/or associated schemas, and for HTML through profile parameters (and the proposed 'profile' link relation type might be able to unify this mechanism across media types). added semantics allow servers and clients to support semantic overlays that allow richer and more semantics-driven forms of interaction.
- applications: based on core technologies and possibly added semantics, developers build applications, which expose the resources of a given service in some URI space. these applications can use any number of media types and any set of added semantics on top of these, and in some cases developers will define their own media types, whereas in others they will just reuse existing ones. in both cases, the application is seamlessly embedded into the bigger context of the RESTful system, and while that may be not interesting at all for some clients, and might as well be interesting for others. for the HTML web, google's sitemaps format has become an established representation in this area because it allows servers and certain clients (crawlers) to interact in ways that are advantageous for both sides.
based on some of the discussions that happened around describing REST
, it seems that at times, there was a mismatch in where in these layers people wanted to be. when it comes to layers 3 and 4, documentation/description should be the media type or semantic extension itself. for these cases, all that a client should need to know is the processing and operational model of the resource, and then it can act. however, when it comes to layer 5, i am a firm believer that there are scenarios where a description format would be very desirable, and the sitemaps format is one (very widely deployed) example.
in our work on the Resource Linking Language (ReLL) we have explored this area and made some design choices that i would now make differently. but generally speaking, giving application providers the possibility to describe the extent
of their application and doing that in a way which itself is a self-describing resource seems like a very RESTful approach. if a client is interested in this information, there is a discovery mechanism (for sitemaps a slightly awkward robots.txt
-based rule that hardcodes an URI-based approach) and then the client can happily use that information, and could for example inform the user that he is now leaving the application (which may or may not be indicated by a change in the some URI prefix). if clients are not interested in the notion of an application at all (like regular users happily surfing the web without ever experiencing application boundaries
), they simply ignore this information.
starting from this idea of REST layers
, i'd be curious to get some feedback about the perceived usefulness of a description language that specifically just resides in layer 5. the main goal is to establish a format that could be seen as sitemaps for REST
, and definitely should be less chatty than exhaustively listing all URIs. this would allow service providers to describe the universe of resources
they are exposing, and would give clients a snapshot view of the current expectations they can have about exposed resources, and the assumptions about where the scope of the applications ends. in a follow-up to this post, i will outline our scenarios, and write more about the things we would like to include and exclude in such a REST Application Description Language
I'm wondering what do you mean by layering? Obviously saying that HTTP is "layered" on top of the REST architecture style has a very different meaning than saying that payload semantics is "layered" on top of a document format like XML. Perhaps because each of your layers describe very different things: architectural style,web protocol, data format, semantics, and application. This is very different from layered software architectures, where each layer is software, or a layered protocol stack where each layer is a protocol.
Posted by: Ferenc Mihaly | Monday, March 19, 2012 at 12:19
@ferenc, you're right that maybe "layer" is a too strong term to use here, because it often is used in fairly well-defined and structured ways. feel free to propose better terminology, but regardless of the term, my main goal was to show that when you look at the design and implementation and deployment of RESTful architectures, then there are different activities at different points in time, and it might make sense to try to clearly separate these activities into different, well, "steps", "levels", "aspects", "issues"? it's hard to think of a term that does not have some specific meaning somewhere, but like i said, i am definitely open for suggestions.
Posted by: dret | Monday, March 19, 2012 at 23:43
I think "aspects" or "concerns" would be better. We can talk about application architecture, core technologies, or application semantics independently from each other. I can say that I'll build a client-server application using a request-reply style protocol without mentioning what the application will do or what technology I'll use to build it. I can also describe message semantics before deciding whether to encode it as XML, JSON, or some other format.
Posted by: Ferenc Mihaly | Friday, March 23, 2012 at 14:07
@ferenc, i am fine with "aspects" or "concerns"; my main issue was not to claim that there is a clear layering structure as there is in other areas of IT architectures, but to point out that while at some initial design stage it makes sense to focus on the most fundamental aspects such as media types and link relation types, once you get closer to application and deployment issues/aspects/concerns, it actually may make sense to focus on aspects such as exposed URIs, and document a service this way so that "follow your nose" style explorations can start from this starting point. if such a description was machine-readable, in essence it would just be another resource linked from a service's entry point, in the same way as a sitemap is (implicitly, because by URI-based convention) linked from a server's resources. at that point, the description/documentation format becomes just another media type.
Posted by: dret | Saturday, March 24, 2012 at 01:20
I read your 2010 paper "From RESTful Services to RDF" over the weekend. I think I better understand now what you are proposing. I think something like it could be very useful.
The hypermedia thinking about REST reminds me a bit of the early model of the Web which expected users to browse from page to page using links. Today we have plenty of evidence that this does not work. The link click rates on the average web page are well below 1%, which of course means that without search engines, social media sites, and the like to keep generating traffic the web would get a whole lot quieter within days. Even assuming that machines are much better at following links than humans the browse model is questionable.
The analogy comparing your proposal to site maps confused me. Your article clearly talks about meta models (Fig. 1) and seem to describe resource types, not resources, link relations, not individual links. To me, this means a higher level of abstraction than site maps, which still contain links to pages, not page types. Do we agree here?
I still think you should find a suitable analogy, because the best way to send cold shivers down someone's spine is to talk to him about metamodels. I just don't think that sitemap is a very good analogy for this.
While I was reading your article I kept thinking of search engines. Search engines are essentially an optimization for link navigation. Instead of following link after link trying to find information about Tutankhamun, there is this a virtual link from which all the interesting pages are guaranteed to be only one clink away.
Something like this will be also important for REST, because most REST resources are virtual, are only computed on demand. It doesn't always make sense to list the links to all these resources in some request. I can see the ReLL service used in a similar way to a search engine. Say I want stock quotes for AAPL. Instead of trying to browse to it, I go one level of abstraction up, find the resource type for stock quote, the list of services which offer this resource type, build a request for the resource with the ticker symbol AAPL, and get the result directly.
The alternative by browsing would be listing all the exchanges of the world, picking the option browse by industry in all, go down to technology, then go to computer/software. Or in AAPL case, perhaps find the Fortune 100 list, then get AAPL from there. Either way, browsing requires just as much client intelligence, if not more, than using something like ReLL.
So am I anywhere near what ReLL is supposed to be? This is a long response, but your article wasn't a quick read either.
Posted by: Ferenc Mihaly | Monday, March 26, 2012 at 03:57