it seems that benedict xvi has decided to give the corporate design of his struggling outfit a not-so-subtle overhaul. the recent stage appearance of him in front of some display picturing the end of days (or something similarly unpleasant) looks as if he got some help from hr giger, the famous swiss designer who created the visuals for the Alien film series. benedict's specific line of business always needs a careful balance of carrot and stick, and apparently his brand managers advised him to be a bit more explicit on the stick side. (actually, the thing is called
The Resurrection
and thus probably is supposed to look uplifting, but i don't think that it works like that for most people.)
as the next development, i hope to see the usual frankincense boys being replaced with something more powerful and matching the upgraded visual theme. anything that's usually used for heavy metal band concerts would probably work fine, and with a really good choreography (matching the sermon) this could give the whole message a really nice boost! imagine watching a fully FX-enabled papal mass!
so i hope we'll see more developments in that area very soon, the giger-style overhaul looks like a promising starting point. as usual, the much more agile american brands did get sort of a head start, but maybe as soon as the only true church starts rolling, it'll regain whatever it lost in customer loyalty pretty quickly.