gizmodo has a story about the Harlin eReader V9, along with a picture that looks like it could be a really nice device (in the image the Harlin is on the left, Sony's PRS-505 in the middle, Amazon's Kindle on the right). the one sentence in the article that caught my attention was:
don't know how good this $599 to $699 eBook reader will really be,
but the specs look quite good.
what's following is more or less an exact copy of the specs of the iRex iLiad.
i have complained about the iLiad quite a bit (most recently in a comparison of my e-book devices), and what i have learned from this $700 donation to a company with the laudable goal of building an open e-book reader: don't trust paper specs. they are very insufficient for understanding how usable a device is. the iLiad is just ridiculously unusable and bad designed. so before getting another pretty expensive piece of e-book hardware that looks good on paper, i first want some evidence that the device is actually usable. if it has an up-to-date browser and a decent feed reader, it might be worth looking at.