today apple released the iPhone 1.1.2 software, which is available as a lightweight 160mb download. after releasing previous versions as diffs, apple now obviously follows the path it has been pursuing with the apple software update
software, which instead of doing smart about creating more lightweight downloads, simply reminds you when you should download the next hunk of apple software.
officially, 1.1.2 contains new features and bug fixes
, but it is unclear which features it contains and which bugs it fixes. the one feature which is not surprising and which was expected because of the european launch of the iPhone in the UK and germany last friday, is the ability to switch languages and keyboard layouts.
keyboard layouts are not really well done, though, the german keyboard for example switches from QWERTY to QWERTZ layout, switching Y and Z, but does not include umlaut characters (äöüÄÖÜ), which are part of the german alphabet. the funny world symbol on the keyboard switches between keyboard layouts, but not in a terribly useful fashion, always jumping back to the letter keyboard.
what has been fixed in terms of bugs
is the TIFF exploit which allowed the popular JailBreak software (and even a simple web page) to install native applications on the iPhone. until the iPhone SDK is released next february, apple will probably continue to play this game of whack-a-mole with people who would like to use the device they paid for in the way they want.
unfortunately, the bug introduced in 1.0.1, which disabled Wi-Fi access for networks using a digit-only WEP hex key, still has not been fixed. maybe the larger number of customers in europe using non-apple Wi-Fi networks will convince apple to finally fix this bug, but for now they seem to be determined to stick with the bug introduced in 1.0.1.
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